Declaration of Elected Officers and Board of Governors for 2021/ 2021年在沖米国商工会議所役員及び理事の投票結果のお知らせ
The following members have been elected as the AmCham Okinawa 2021 Officers and Governors:
- President: Tony Sakuda, Okinawa Tourist Service (CMV)
- 1st Vice President: Joseph Dowd, LOGCOR, INC (CMV)
- 2nd Vice President: Justin Wentworth IV, Lloyd & Heinz Ltd. (CMV)
- Secretary: Ritchi Kumagai, Keystone Agency (CMV)
- Treasurer: Robert Hagan, First Command Financial Services (CMV)
Governors (In alphabetical order):
- Carl Bastian (AF)
- Christal Burnette, Kenko Leaf LLC (CMV)
- Cindy Kawaguchi, Loisir Hotel Naha (CMV)
- David Shen (AF)
- Atsumi Tanaka (AF)
- Mari Tobaru, Antenna, Ltd. (CM)
- James Phillip VanEtten, USO Okinawa (CMV)
- Kazuma (Kyle) Yamanoha, Matson Navigation Company (CMV)
Installation of Officers
In accordance with Article 22 of our Constitution, the Officers and members of the Board of Governors shall take office on January 1, 2021 and will serve for a term of one year. Congratulations to our newly elected Officers and Board of Governors. We look forward to another successful year.
Nominating Committee:
James Pogue, Joseph Thompson, Joseph Dowd, Jarrett Ota, Justin Wentworth IV
(CMV): Company Voting Member
(CVA): Company Associate Voting Member
(CM): Company Member – Non-Voting
(IV): Individual Voting Member
(AF): Affiliate Member
Tony Sakuda is the Advisor for Okinawa Tourist Service (OTS) a full-service travel company serving Okinawa with outbound and inbound capabilities. For the past 30 Years, he has served and traveled with thousands of families as a tour coordinator to more than 56 countries. He has been on the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Okinawa) in Okinawa Board of Governors for the past eleven years and served as President in 2011, 2012, and 2019.