Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Resources

Please refer to Chamber COVID-19 Page for the latest information
We hope you are well and staying safe.  With novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases on Okinawa being identified.   In an effort to better inform our members and share useful information regarding the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak we have set up this page that we plan to update as necessary.

Keep yourself from being exposed to the virus by:

  • Conducting proper handwashing (at least 20 seconds under hot water with soap)
  • Use of disinfectant gels and wipes
  • Covering your mouth and nose with a handkerchief, cloth or sleeve when coughing

Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • such as fever with a temperature of more than 37.5°C (99.5°F)
  • respiratory symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing

Those that exhibit the symptoms above or have close contact with infected people or has symptoms after recent travel to areas where the virus has spread should contact their health provider or call the numbers below:

  • English: 0570-050-235
  • Japanese: Chubu Public Health Center at 098-938-9701 or the Prefectural Health Division at 098-866-2215

Coronavirus Informational Websites

If your company has useful information that you would like to share with our membership, or if you have feedback and suggestions on what you would like to see, please contact the Chamber Office.