AmCham Okinawa March General Membership Meeting
The American Chamber of Commerce in Okinawa (AmCham Okinawa) will hold the first physical and virtual gathering for our monthly general membership meeting (GMM) on March 26th.
Date: Friday, March 26th, 2021
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Place: Hagoromonoma at Laguna Garden Hotel, 2F
Guest Speaker: Dr. Peter Gruss, President/CEO, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)
Program: “The New Normal for Okinawa: Building a Sustainable Post-pandemic Economy”
Fee: 2,500 yen for Affiliate and Honorary, 4,000 yen for Members’
guest and Non-member (Payable at the door)
RSVP REQUIRED NLT: Sunday, March 21
*You must make a reservation to attend the meeting.
*There will be a boxed lunch provided at the venue.
*Seating availability is limited. Please make a reservation early. First come, first served.
*If you have had cold symptoms or a fever, please refrain from attending.
*Please wear face masks at all times (except when eating)
*Hand sanitizer will be available.
*Seating will be spaced out and done school style with individual front-facing seating (not round tables)
*Cancelations MUST be made by March 21 and can be done so through the link on your confirmation email
日時: 令和3年3月26日(金)午前11時30分~午後1時30分
場所: ラグナガーデンホテル 羽衣の間
会費: お一人様2,500円(名誉会員、アフィリエイト会員)、お一人様4,000円(会員ゲスト、非会員)